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Late Fall Show: Jude Griebel, Victor Arroyo, Garnet Dirksen & Alisi Telengut

Late Fall Show: Jude Griebel, Victor Arroyo, Garnet Dirksen & Alisi Telengut

Monday, Nov 15 , 11 a.m. to Friday, Dec 10 , 6 p.m.

From November 15 to December 10, 2021, FOFA Gallery hosts the work of artists Jude Griebel, Victor Arroyo, Garnet Dirksen and Alisi Telengut, who critically engage with concepts of environment and landscape, through economic, ecological and decolonial lenses.

Portrait of a Nation by Victor Arroyo
reexamines José María Velasco’s pastoral landscapes, situating them as instruments of surveillance and colonial violence. By rephotographing the paintings with a surveillance camera and re-staging them, the installation situates video recording and landscape painting as technologies of violence.

Social Studies by Garnet Dirksen is a series of colour photographs of landscapes from across the territories now known as Canada. Emerging from research into the fur trade, these images reflect the interrelationship between land and resources.

Broken Pattern by Jude Griebel is a series of sculptures and drawings which explores human impact on the world and provides fantastic understandings of eco-anxiety, visualizing rampant cycles of human consumption and the resulting detriment to both the human self and surrounding world.

The Fourfold and Long Live Forest by Alisi Telengut are short films, the first, a mixed-media animation, is based on animistic beliefs and shamanic rituals in Mongolia and Siberia. The second is based on the digital imageries of various constructed landscapes, composed of artificial materials and natural elements.

The FOFA Gallery is the primary venue dedicated to showcasing the current artistic and research practices of the Faculty of Fine Arts. Through exhibitions, publications, and events, the gallery makes public the work of Concordia alumni, faculty and staff. The Gallery also supports work from the student community, relating to the research and pedagogical aims of the Faculty. A space dedicated to innovation, FOFA Gallery fosters and facilitates pedagogical  inquiries, curatorial experiments, cutting-edge artistic practices and training opportunities.

In acknowledging that Concordia is located on unceded Indigenous lands and out of respect for the rights and lives of Indigenous people, we recognize The Kanien’kehá:ka Nation as the custodians of the lands and waters we now call Montreal. For the FOFA Gallery, this means an ongoing work in protecting and preserving this land. 

FOFA Gallery is anti-racist and aims to be a 2SLGBTQIAP+ positive space and works towards being barrier free and eradicating institutional racial biases and systemic racism in our programs.

Date and Time

Monday, Nov 15 , 11 a.m. to Friday, Dec 10 , 6 p.m.


Pavillon Ev Building, 1515 Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Montreal, QC